Power Cost Adjustment: The Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) provides a monthly adjustment dependent on any differences in the base cost of wholesale power. Electricity prices can dramatically fluctuate. The PCA is used to balance these costs. If the kilowatt-hour cost to Snapping Shoals EMC is lower than the base cost of power, the PCA is applied as a credit on your bill. If the kilowatt-hour cost is higher than the base cost of power, the PCA is applied as a charge.

Base Charge: The base charge is a monthly charge that assists in recovering part of the fixed costs associated with the delivery of power to your location each month. These costs are incurred by the cooperative regardless of the amount of electricity used.

kWh for Month: Your household’s kilowatt usage for the month. A typical house uses between 1,000-1,500 kwh/month.

County Sales Tax: Your actual tax may vary based on your local taxes. Tax rates for the counties we serve are as follows: Newton 7%; Rockdale 7%; Henry 8%; DeKalb 8%; Butts 7%;  Walton 7%; Morgan 8%; and Jasper 8%.

Base Charge | PCA
Summer (May - October)
Account Activity Amount
Electric Service kWh: $0.00
Base Charge: $35.00
Power Cost Adjustment kWh x -0.007538: $0.00
County Sales Tax: $2.45
Total Charges: $37.45
Winter ( November - April)
Account Activity Amount
Electric Service kWh: $0.00
Base Charge: $35.00
Power Cost Adjustment kWh x -0.007538: $0.00
County Sales Tax: $2.45
Total Charges: $37.45