Snapping Shoals EMC takes great pride in providing affordable and reliable electric service to our members. We are proud to be one of the low-cost electric service providers in Georgia. During the past few years, our cost of providing power has been impacted. A pandemic, tightening natural gas markets, supplier demands and general economic conditions have proven to be large obstacles to navigate.
In a continued effort to ensure our rates accurately reflect the cost of providing electric service, we are making changes to the monthly base, energy and Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) charges. The revised rates are designed to minimize impacts and maintain the competitive price advantages that Snapping Shoals EMC’s members have come to enjoy. These revisions should have a minor impact to our average member.
The average SSEMC residential member should see a slight decrease in their summer bills. In total, the annual difference should be less than $5.00 per residential account per year.
SSEMC’s revised rate structure will be implemented in January 2024. More details about our rate restructuring will be provided in the December issue of the Illuminator. We work hard to keep our expenses low and service levels high, and we aim to continue doing so for our members.